Monday, May 16, 2011

Settling in to London

I arrived at Heathrow a couple of nights ago, and stayed at the Renaissance by the airport since I got in quite late. Interestingly, while queueing along the immigration line, I noticed Guruji in his...well, guru outfit. He approached me later at the convenience store after we both passed through (this was my first official declaration of a yoga teacher as profession!) And he asked, "Are you from Malaysia?" I think I've ever only been asked that less than 5 times my entire life, even if ever before. Majority of the time, I get asked if I'm Phillipina (both in and outside of Malaysia/US) or on the fewer occasions, Chinese. Guruji, it turns out hails from Malacca, a little old town in Malaysia and we both ensued an hour long conversation. Quite intriguing, that Indian man. He is now a friend on Facebook as well as Skype!

The next day, I headed out to my first AirBnB lodging, a last minute booking I made with Jake since Jill had cancelled on me just a few days prior. Upon arriving at Jake's, I was aghast at how dismal the conditions were. Thankfully, Jake declared the room not ready and offered me a release of our contractual booking in lieu of a shared room, also of appaling condition. I quickly emailed Martina, who had noted her recent return from a 4month trip to India. And she thankfully called me within 20 minutes. I am writing from her computer at this moment. Needless to say, Martina was a god-send! Her home is just about how I would like to have mine and her character, delightful.

I'm off to my first yoga class at Triyoga by Primrose Hill!



1 comment:

  1. Helloooo Magda!!

    Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
    I am so proud of you. Miss you already.

    jojo cici
